Buying Property - Real Estate WORKS



Selling a house can be a complex process and we can help you at every stage, from setting a price, to marketing the property, to closing the sale.

Setting the Price

The selling process generally begins with a determination of a reasonable asking price. We can give you up-to-date information on what is happening in your local marketplace, as well as the price, financing, terms and condition of competing properties. These are key factors in marketing your home and selling it at the best price. Often, we can recommend repairs or cosmetic work that will significantly enhance the salability of the property and maximize the ultimate selling price.


The next step is a marketing plan. Marketing exposes your property to the public as well as to other real estate agents through a Multiple Listing Service, other cooperative marketing networks, virtual tours, and so on. In our market, a substantial portion of real estate sales are cooperative sales; that is, a real estate agent other than yours brings in the buyer. The greater exposure we can provide to not only potential buyers but our vast network of cooperating firms will allow us to sell your home faster and for top dollar.

We know when, where and how to advertise — which medium, format and frequency will work best for your home and your market. Not every property is the same, and rather than employ a standardized marketing approach that most national firms utilize we at The Real Estate Works believe that a custom marketing plan geared directly to the target audience likely to buy your home is most effective. The notion that a sign in the yard and MLS exposure is enough to sell a home in today’s market is false. The more competitive the market becomes the more your home needs to stand out from the competition.

Providing Security

When a property is marketed with us, all appointments are confirmed with you and logged through our dedicated appointment desk. All contact information of the firm showing your home, agents contact information, and time and date of ALL showings are recorded before access to your home is granted.


When an offer on your property is made we will objectively evaluate every buyer’s proposal without compromising your marketing position. This initial agreement is only the beginning of a process of appraisals, inspections and financing and more. We will assist you every step of the way to create a win-win situation that will be more likely to make it through the process of closing.

Monitoring, Renegotiating and Closing

Between the initial sales agreement and the closing, questions may arise. For example, there are unexpected repairs that require the buyer to obtain financing, or a cloud in the title is discovered. The required paperwork alone is overwhelming for most sellers. Your Real Estate Works professional is the best person to objectively help you resolve these issues and move the transaction to closing.

The Real Estate Works, Inc

401 Mill Street

Winston-Salem, NC 27103

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